The Full Story
Campus Sustainability
FRIENDS moved to our current location in 2007 and opened the Education Centre; this was followed by the establishment of the Frank Kenyon Centre in 2015. As we have grown and worked on this property, we have endeavored to incorporate elements and practices that highlight sustainable development and sustainable living. Our aim is to provide living examples that the Abaco community may learn from and use to inform their own journeys towards sustainability.

Renewable Energy
When FRIENDS developed the Kenyon Centre we also built a solar array and battery energy storage system that powered the Kenyon Centre and the Education Centre. Hurricane Dorian destroyed the Education Centre and damaged the majority of the solar equipment. Panels and inverters have been replaced. Six new lithium batteries were recently installed, which brought the system back online.
Project completed with support from UNDP GEF SGP, and the Bahamas Protected Areas Fund, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through KfW
Energy Conservation
To complement the solar system, FRIENDS installed energy efficient appliances and equipment, as well as converted our water heater to propane to reduce the load on the solar. These items function through the normal operation of our campus and are available for viewing by the public. Anyone wishing for more information about our equipment or solar set up may contact FRIENDS.

Water Catchment and Conservation
FRIENDS is installing a water catchment and treatment system through the support and partnership of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Water Misson. This provides a secondary source of water, helping us to become more resilient to disaster and other impacts of climate change. Additionally, we educate and encourage all visitors to our campus to be conservative in their use of water.
Demonstration Gardens
FRIENDS developed an edible orchard, bush medicine garden, and pollinator garden, however they were damaged in Hurricane Dorian in 2019. We are currently seeking funding to replace the gardens and continue their purpose of increasing student appreciation for plants and their function in the environment, exposing students to gardening and creating an interest in plants, and helping the public learn more about landscaping plants that are appropriate for our environment.

Sustainably Harvested Lumber
The decks at the Kenyon Centre are built from selectively harvested Abaco Pine that was milled as part of a pilot project implemented by the Bahamas Forestry Department.
Do you have a sustainable product or service that you'd like to share with the community? Contact us!